About Array

The Array Systems Story

Founded in 1991 by Sid Kato, President and CEO, Array Systems, Inc. offers a range of outsourcing services designed to meet the needs of our diverse client base. Array provides both project and program outsourcing services tailored and priced to meet the unique business requirements of each individual client. Array has the expertise necessary to function as a productive addition to an existing IT department or as a sole provider of all IT services and support. Clients find that they can reduce costs, reduce time delivery and increase end-user and customer satisfaction by engaging Array as an outsourcing partner. From its development and support facilities in Southern California, the Array team is dedicated to our clients’ success.

Our Mission

We care about our customers success ahead of our own. As technology has become an integral component for small businesses to survive in a competitive marketplace the philosophy and focus on our customer’s needs is a key differentiator. We don’t use technical speak in the workplace and when problems occur we don’t point fingers of blame to other vendors we focus on the action required to find the solution regardless of fault.

What we do

We serve as your IT business partner

We advise you on your computer investments

Changes to your network can affect its performance in so many different ways. We want that peer-to-peer relationship with your management team to help make business sense out of complex, technical IT tools. You have a budget and finances to manage. We can advise on the best choices for your business operation.

We upgrade computers and networks

Added computer software applications, Internet access, user increases all affect the speed you rely on to run your business and support your customers. We help you with the timing for upgrades, then we go to work and get it done with detailed planning and minimal interruption.

We implement and upgrade software packages

You don’t want lots of outside engineers loading new network tools with little regard for your overall operation. Array can help you through thesechanges by working with third parties to protect your business.

We keep your systems running

Stability in your operation is one of the cornerstones of your growing business. Array Systems knows that and partners with you to ensure that we’re helping to deliver on that business goal.

We provide security from outside attacks

System security is on everyone’s mind. The threat of operational disaster, customer data misuse and network security breach is real – everyday. We get to know your IT usage, security needs and critical systems so we can advise you on protection and support you where you need it most.

We are your single-point of contact for all your data and communication needs.

Small businesses need a service partner to deal with the technology and operating issues that IT systems require. Array takes responsibility for understanding your operation and working with your other service providers. We become your sole communications contact, freeing you to run your business.

Want to learn what Array Systems can do for you?

Send us a message today, we’d like to help!

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